I am disabled and asked for a 1st floor room. Owner snapped no availability, but the parking lot was empty. Asked if he needed both vehicles info. Snaps, I'm not responsible for 2nd vehicle. Caught me off guard, normally no hotel is, but, I was concerned about him towing it. We walked in and it initially looked clean because it is tile floors and what looks like newer furniture. Unfortunately, it was not clean at all. I should have taken pics, but we were more concerned about cleaning. We left, went to Walmart to get cleaning supplies and spent almost 2 HOURS CLEANING. The bathroom was disgusting. I sprayed the walls with bathroom spray and the brown dirt just melted into the drain. Should have bought towels as some of them were so nasty. I seriously don't believe the room has been cleaned in years. The dirt was so bad. It even looked like there was blood on the bathroom wall. We went through more than an entire roll of paper towels. We didn't want to approach the owner as he was extremely rude from the start. Around 8pm that night, we were in bed relaxing before falling asleep and there's a loud knock at the door that scared us. It was the owner screaming at my husband that I needed to move my vehicle from the disabled parking. He said, she IS disabled, but he refused to listen and my husband grabbed my keys. I then walked out in my pj's argued with him, pointing out my handicap placard and my huge scars. He finally told us to leave it. Paid for 3 nights, left after 2.