Join One Key
Reasons to join One Key
Save on thousands of hotels
Save 10% or more on over 100,000 hotels worldwide with Member Prices.
Enjoy instant rewards
OneKeyCash™¹ is your rewards currency to use on soon after your trip is completed. $1 in OneKeyCash is $1 to use on eligible hotels and car rentals.
Get even more member perks
You can quickly progress through the tiers, enjoy free room upgrades when available, and a perk such as food and beverage discounts at select VIP Access properties².
Types of trip elements
Trip elements make it easy to progress through tiers
One Key rewards you for each trip element you collect, on top of the OneKeyCash you earn.
You get one trip element for each...
Hotel room night
Car rental day
How to earn trip elements
And they add up fast!
Collect 5 trip elements to unlock Silver
A 2-night solo road trip can elevate you to Silver
Example: 2 hotel room nights plus a 3-day car rental gets you 5 trip elements total
Collect 15 trip elements to unlock Gold
A 7-night road trip can get you to Gold
Example: 7 hotel room nights plus an 8-day car rental adds up to 15 trip elements total
Collect 30 trip elements to unlock Platinum
A 15-night road trip can get you to Platinum
Example: 15 hotel room nights plus a 15-day car rental adds up to 30 trip elements total
Get even more benefits as you move through the tiers
Blue tier benefits
0-4 trip elements
Save 10% or more with Member Prices on over 100,000 hotels worldwide
Earn and use OneKeyCash on eligible bookings
Silver tier benefits
5-14 trip elements
Save 15% or more with Silver Member Prices on over 10,000 hotels worldwide
Earn and use OneKeyCash on eligible bookings
Earn 3% in OneKeyCash on stays at VIP Access properties3, that's 50% more OneKeyCash4
Receive priority traveler support
Get an extra perk when you stay at select VIP Access properties, such as food and beverage extras
Gold tier benefits
15-29 trip elements
Save 20% or more with Gold Member Prices on over 10,000 hotels worldwide
Earn and use OneKeyCash on eligible bookings
Earn 4% in OneKeyCash on stays at VIP Access properties3, that's 2x OneKeyCash4
Receive priority traveler support
Get an extra perk when you stay at select VIP Access properties, such as food and beverage extras
Get room upgrades when available at VIP Access properties
Platinum tier benefits
30+ trip elements
Save 20% or more with Platinum Member Prices on over 10,000 hotels worldwide
Earn and use OneKeyCash on eligible bookings
Earn 6% in OneKeyCash on stays at VIP Access properties3, that's 3x OneKeyCash4
Get an extra perk when you stay at select VIP Access properties, such as food and beverage extras
Receive Platinum VIP support
Get room upgrades when available at VIP Access properties
OneKeyCash — a rewards currency that lets you choose where to use it
OneKeyCash is yours to use on when you book select hotels and car rentals. OneKeyCash earned on bookings won’t expire if you make an eligible booking at least once within 18 months.5
Earn up to 6% in OneKeyCash for every dollar spent6
Flexibility is key, and that’s why you also earn OneKeyCash on top of credit card rewards. You can earn more as you move up the tiers, too!
![A hotel room a bed in the foreground, while a man and woman relax in the living area beyond the bedroom.](
One Key FAQs
Explore even more about One Key
How can I join One Key?
It’s easy (and free) to join One Key – click here!
In order to be eligible for One Key (currently only available in the US and UK) you must log in or create an account on the US or UK version of the Expedia, or Vrbo site or app.
How does the One Key travel rewards program work?
One Key is our travel rewards program where members can enjoy Member Prices and earn OneKeyCash for eligible bookings. OneKeyCash is simple, $1 in OneKeyCash gives you a $1 discount on eligible travel. As long as you’re a member—and sign in before you make any bookings—you’ll earn rewards and collect trip elements across all eligible travel bookings.
Here's what you earn: Members will receive 2% in OneKeyCash for every dollar spent* on eligible hotels, vacation rentals, activities, packages, car rentals, and cruises and 0.2% in OneKeyCash for every dollar spent on eligible flights. You can earn more on stays on eligible VIP Access properties as you move up the tiers. And don’t forget, you earn OneKeyCash on top of any airline loyalty program earnings and credit card rewards.
Planning a family trip? The account holder who makes the booking earns the OneKeyCash, no matter which travelers are named in the booking. All OneKeyCash, including those from return flights for all family members, will be deposited in your One Key account. No need to set up accounts for your family members or children to collect rewards.
When you make most ‘Pay Now’ bookings, your OneKeyCash will arrive in your account just three days after you complete your trip. For ‘Pay Later’ and all Vrbo bookings, your OneKeyCash will generally be confirmed 45 days after you complete your trip. For any car rental bookings made on and Expedia this can take up to 90 days to be confirmed.
OneKeyCash earned on bookings won’t expire if you make an eligible booking at least once within 18 months. OneKeyCash received through offers and promotions can expire sooner.
* USD only. Excludes taxes and fees.
How can I track and redeem my rewards with One Key?
Your rewards are easy to track – Just head to your rewards activity page to see what you have earned and your progress toward your tier status.
Note: Only eligible bookings receive rewards. For more information on what bookings are eligible please see above and our terms and conditions. -
When you’re ready to redeem OneKeyCash, once confirmed, it’s yours to use at any time. Here are a few details to keep in mind:
OneKeyCash can be used on US dollar ‘Pay Now’ bookings only and participating vacation rentals.
To use OneKeyCash on a flight, you will need enough OneKeyCash to cover the entire cost of your eligible flight, including taxes and fees, and may not add any optional extras like checked bags or seat assignments. You can purchase those extras after booking your ticket. OneKeyCash may only be used on selected flights.
OneKeyCash cannot be redeemed for cash and is not transferable to other members, but you can redeem OneKeyCash on eligible bookings in someone else's name.
- If you choose to use a credit card associated with an airline, your credit card benefits may not be passed to the airline. You’ll still be able to enter your airline loyalty program number at checkout to earn airline loyalty rewards and OneKeyCash.
How do you reach tier status with One Key?
The more trip elements you book across Expedia, and Vrbo, the higher status you earn with One Key.
What’s a trip element? They’re the different parts of a trip—One Key takes every trip element into account and rewards you for it.
Trip elements include:
1 air ticket (one way or roundtrip)
1 hotel room night (each night counts as an element)
1 night in a vacation rental
1 night on a cruise
1-day car rental
1 roundtrip ground transportation ticket (airport shuttles, transfers, etc.)
1 activity ticket (a private tour, a theme park ticket, etc.)
*Trip elements must be worth $25 or more in USD excluding taxes and fees to qualify.
Your tier status: It’s fast and easy to move up One Key tiers. Here’s what you need to book to qualify for each tier:
Blue - Just sign up, it’s free!
Silver - 5 trip elements within a year
Gold - 15 trip elements within a year
Platinum - 30 trip elements within a year
So, for example, if you booked 2 nights in a hotel and a 3-day car rental, you’d earn 5 trip elements, enough to reach Silver tier status in one trip.
Tier status will be earned on a calendar year basis, from Jan 1 to Dec 31. Your status for the upcoming year will be determined according to the number of trip elements you have collected by Dec 31 and your progress will reset as of Jan 1.
How do I get a discount with the Expedia, and Vrbo travel rewards program, One Key?
By joining our travel rewards program, One Key, you can instantly unlock member savings and earn and use OneKeyCash on eligible bookings. Just by signing up, you can save 10% or more on over 100,000 hotels worldwide with One Key Member Prices and the savings and perks get bigger as you move up the tiers.
Is One Key, the Expedia, and Vrbo travel rewards program, free?
Yes, One Key is free to join! Once you sign up for this travel rewards program, you can instantly start earning OneKeyCash and get instant access to Member Prices on Expedia and
How do I stay up to date on One Key?
Don't miss out on important One Key updates across Expedia, and Vrbo! Follow these steps on our sites to subscribe to One Key updates on the Vrbo, Expedia and apps or websites: Sign-in> Account > Communications
Using accounts outside of the US and UK
One Key is currently live in the United States and United Kingdom. That means that in some regions, you will be a part of the One Key program and in others, the Rewards program will exist until One Key arrives in that region. Your rewards will be transferred over to OneKeyCash when you become a One Key member in that region.
In order to calculate your eligibility for One Key, your Rewards account will be associated with the region where you booked the most travel in the last 12 months. If that region isn’t part of One Key, then you will remain a member of the Rewards program in that region. If it is, then you will be a One Key member.
When One Key launches in the region associated with your account, we’ll convert your stamps and reward nights to OneKeyCash. For example, if you are already a One Key member in the US but have also earned most of your Rewards stamps and reward nights in the UK in the last 12 months, we’ll convert the stamps and reward nights to OneKeyCash (if they weren’t already converted previously as part of your US balance) and combine those with your US balance when you become a One Key member in the UK. Depending on where the majority of your bookings were in the last 12 months, the currency associated with your One Key account may change from USD to GBP. Any eligible activity will also be carried over and converted to trip elements as well, getting you closer to the next tier status.
Please note that if you have made bookings in multiple regions on your Rewards account and the majority of bookings were made on other Rewards regions in the last 12 months, we will transition your rewards and account to that region when you become a One Key member in that region.
One Key is currently live in the United States and United Kingdom. If you have Expedia Rewards accounts in different regions, your rewards and trip elements will transfer to One Key when One Key launches and you become a One Key member in those regions. Until then, you will have separate active Expedia Rewards accounts with Expedia Rewards points to use in each region where you have an account. The same process will follow for all other regions. Accounts in other regions will be transitioned when you become a One Key member in that region.
For example: if you have US and UK Expedia accounts, you will have separate OneKeyCash you can use in the US One Key program and Expedia Rewards points you can use in the UK Expedia Rewards program until One Key launches in the UK. When One Key launches in the UK and you become a One Key member, those Expedia Rewards points will convert to OneKeyCash and combine with your US balance. Any trip elements will also be carried over as well, getting you closer to the next tier status.
If you no longer want to participate in One Key or have a single account, here is how to request the deletion of your account
Important note in case of deletion requests and ongoing or upcoming trips: If you have an ongoing or upcoming trip and ask us to delete your account, our Customer Service teams won’t be able to answer any questions, concerns, cancellations, refunds, etc. This is because when your account is deleted, our Customer Service team will not have your deleted account information anymore. Therefore, they may kindly ask you to re-submit your deletion request after your trip is completed. In addition, please find some options below to help with this issue:
Wait until after your trip to submit the deletion request.
Save a copy of all your itineraries and correspondence with us or the travel supplier before you request the deletion.
How to delete your account on Expedia, or Vrbo:
Web: Log into your single account on the Expedia, or Vrbo website and go to Account > Settings > scroll down to the ‘Account management’ section and click on ‘Delete Account’.
App: Log into your single account on your Expedia, or Vrbo app and go to Profile > Settings > scroll down to the ‘Account management’ section and click on ‘Delete account’.
Web/Phone: Click on Support > Other > Privacy & Security > Request that we delete your data > Contact Us link and ask our Customer Services to delete your account.
Chat: click on Support > Chat Now and ask our agent to delete your account.