4/10 – Correct
25 juill. 2017
Not satisfied at all !
On first view, Hotel Bristol is a beautiful hotel, well located, clean with good rooms. But...there was no wifi in my room ! Yes, in 2017, there was no wifi in my hotel room ! Furthermore, the light was not working at all in the main room, the water in the bathroom was ice cold (or no explanations about how to have hot water), the shower was in a bath without curtains (not really practical if you don't want to transform the bathroom in swimming pool), the bathroom's door had a translucent window just in front of the main door (not very intimate...) and the restaurant's waitress played the role of the reception.
I needed to print my plane ticket but she refused, arguing that they have no printer (but the sheets I had to fill in showed the opposite). I asked her if I could go to the reception (which has a printer, I saw it) to ask, she pretented that it was closed but someone was in it when I took the stairs... Come on ! That's only one sheet to print via email for someone who booked a room in your hotel !
Well, clearly not the best service. If you hesitate between two hotels in Banska Stiavnica, take the other.
Pas de wifi dans certaines chambres, lumière qui ne fonctionne pas, eau glaciale, douche-bain sans rideau, refus de m'imprimer mon billet d'avion, etc. Peut-être ai-je manqué de chance...Choisissez un autre logement !
Rémy, séjour de 1 nuit
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