Everything about the stay was great, except the bus journey to/from the hotel. There simply are not enough busses for the 5 hotels they serve. It is like a riot trying to get on the bus, with quite literal pushing and screaming. Once I was on I was wedged on, the B B hotel is the first stop - I couldn’t get off, without any exaggeration I physically could not get off. I started with a polite request, then told people to move and eventually had to force my way around people as no-one was willing to move. The vehicle operator did absolutely nothing at all (probably has to deal with this on every journey). This has been an issue for years - I used to stay at the Val de France hotels frequently, but stopped for this very reason. I will go back to staying in Torcy, Bussy-saint-Georges or Val D’Europe to avoid this madness - the RER is quicker and only a few Euros, and whilst it is busy at park close - it’s a lot more civil than taking these busses. If you want a B B hotel, check the one in Torcy, it’s a 2 minute walk from the station - you’ll be in your room faster than waiting for the bus to the Val de France B B hotel.