Run! And, don’t look back. Terrible instructions to get into the property. I was unable to find the lockbox that contained the keyfob. So, I was locked outside the property for over 2 hours. I was jet lagged and dehydrated. No one on site to help you. So, I called the number- on WhatsApp and on regular cellphone, no pick up for over 2 hours. There is a text messaging option- but all it does it keep sending you the code numbers to open the doors. So, I had all the codes but no key fob- so couldn’t enter main building.
Other tenants who rent annually even tried to walk around the garage area (where the lockboxes were supposed to be), we couldn’t see anything. They kindly let me inside and I was finally able to get into the building after almost 2.5 hours being locked outside in the Arizona heat.
Inside the apartment, the bed linens were not changed. Disgusting to see human hair on the sheets!
Thankfully, they had a clean bedsheet and I was able to sleep on it. Also, just 1 half used roll of toilet paper, no extras.
Then the next they called me saying there is excess noise from my apartment. They sent texts saying my stay might be canceled if I didn’t answer right away. I wasn’t even in. I was at a conference and had to leave work to call them Later they apologized when they learned there was a fire drill in the building.
Nice building, great amenities, good location. But zero customer service. So disappointed! Never again.