Getting around Langkawi is relatively easy, thanks to a rather efficient network of roads leading to prominent beaches and resorts. You can easily reach your hotel via taxi from the Langkawi International Airport or Kuah Jetty. The fares lie slightly on the pricey side as Langkawi is one of Malaysia's busiest tourist destinations. 

You can choose to rent your own vehicles or take a taxi, whichever is most convenient. Check out our guide to the best way of getting around Langkawi.    

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    Renting a car in Langkawi

    Renting a car in Langkawi

    Numerous car rental agents are available around the Kuah Jetty, peddling their cars at various rates. Prices range by season, so expect to pay higher daily rates for car rentals during peak periods. Alternatively, you can make arrangements for a car in Kuala Kedah or Kuala Perlis. You can pick up your vehicle after reaching the island. 

    For those travelling by plane, car rental booths are available at the Langkawi International Airport.

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    Renting a motorbike in Langkawi

    Renting a motorbike in Langkawi

    Motorbikes (especially scooters) and bicycles are available for rent in Langkawi. Daily rates usually increase during the peak seasons, but they are still cheaper than renting a car.

    Always carry a valid driver's license and wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. It's required by law and for common-sense safety. 

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    Travelling by bus in Langkawi

    Travelling by bus in Langkawi

    Buses run along several routes across Langkawi, but stops are limited to a few places. The wait is also quite long, making it rather unsuitable if you're pressed for time.  

    There is a bus station in front of the City Bayview Hotel. The bus runs from the Kuah Jetty to the centre of Kuah. Limited buses travel to the tourist-friendly Pantai Cenang.

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    Taking a taxi in Langkawi

    Taking a taxi in Langkawi

    Taking a taxi is arguably the most convenient way of getting around Langkawi. While fares can get quite expensive, you don’t have to pay a deposit. You can charter a taxi for the day to bring you around and wait for you while visiting places around the island. 

    Taxis are most often found around the Kuah Jetty and Langkawi International Airport. It's also relatively easy to flag down a cab anywhere across the island.

    photo by Ilya Plekhanov (CC BY-SA 3.0) modified

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    Other ways of getting around Langkawi

    Other ways of getting around Langkawi

    Some Langkawi resorts offer their own vehicles for rent to their guests. Chauffer and van shuttle services are typically available for those staying in high-end resorts and hotels on the island. Check with the front desk for availability.

Penny Wong | Compulsive Traveler