Hotels in Dingle

Where to stay in Dingle?

Top landmarks in Dingle

Frequently asked questions

What hotels do travelers recommend in Dingle?
Emlagh House, Base Accommodation Dingle and The Waterfront are all accommodations that are popular with guests.
Where can I get free parking with my stay in Dingle?
Park your car for free at these properties: Base Accommodation Dingle, The Waterfront and Dingle Atlantic Lodge B&B.
Can I book a refundable hotel in Dingle?
If you want the flexibility to change your plans to Dingle, most hotels offer refundable* rates you can book. You can find these accommodations by searching our site and using the “fully refundable” filter to narrow down the results.
Where can I stay with my pet in Dingle?
Your furry friend can stay with you at these pet-friendly hotels: Fitzgerald’s Dingle Heights, Devane’s Bed & Breakfast and An Speice. There are 6 alternatives to choose from on our site.
Which Dingle hotels do our guests like for their great location?
Our guests rave about the location of Base Accommodation Dingle.
Where should I consider staying in Dingle if I'm looking for a budget-friendly accommodation?
Two inexpensive options worth considering are Base Accommodation Dingle and Hillgrove Guesthouse.
Where can I stay in Dingle if I want a vacation home instead of a traditional hotel?
If you want a good alternative to a hotel, review our selection of 88 vacation homes. In addition, you can choose from 16 apartments.
Where can I stay if I'm visiting Dingle with my kids?
Parents traveling with children may want to consider Dingle Benners Hotel.
Where should I stay in Dingle for a vacation with my partner?
Dingle Skellig Hotel & Peninsula Spa, Dingle Benners Hotel and Milltown House are great options for a romantic getaway.
Where should I stay in Dingle if I want a luxury accommodation?
An option for a luxury stay is Fab View.
What will the weather in Dingle be like during my vacation?
July and August are typically the warmest months in Dingle when the average temp is 58°F. February and March are the coldest months when the average temperature is 47°F. November and December are the months with the most rain.
Why should I book my Dingle hotel with
There are lots of reasons to book your Dingle trip with us: our free cancellations on selected hotels* gives you flexibility, and with One Key™, our rewards program, you will be able to earn and use OneKeyCash™** on all eligible bookings such as hotels, car rentals, flights, vacation rentals and more on, Expedia and Vrbo.