The property is a typical Toyoko Inn property, with all the expected amenities. The biggest drawback is the location - property is right next to Shin-Ohashi bridge and is about 15 minute walk from Ningyocho station, and about 2.5 km (40 minute walk) from Tokyo station.
To address that, hotel has free shuttle to North (Daimaru) exit of Tokyo station every half an jour until 10 am each morning, and similar shuttle from Tokyo station in the evenings.
Location of nearest convenience stores is about 8 minute walk way.
Nearest area with nightlife would likely be Amazakeyokocho part of Ningyocho, about 8-10 minute walk away or Hamacho on the other side of Hamacho park (6-8 minute walk)
Hotel has very slow wifi, suggesting either QoS or saturated bandwidth. In testing, both iPhones and a Windows laptop, connected to hotel wifi, were seeing under 5 megabit throughput and high latency while tested via speedtest service (same devices connected to free wifi at Starbucks were showing much higher responsiveness and speed). This makes hotel wifi not suitable for remote work/video conferencing.